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Week 1 (1st April-7th April 2019)

Mini Library 2019
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On the 4th April 2019,  six of the Diploma in Interior Design [DID] students who are representing the team, pay a visit and observe the condition of the existing site. Students traveled to Serendah together with Ms. Norji and Mr. Jeffrey and reached the place at 10.00am. Students had to measure the site, take pictures and interview the representative from the Orang Asli community as well as Yayasan Salam, taking related information that possible to be upgraded.  Sadly, the condition of the site was quite awful especially the unpleasant smell coming from the flooring, poor condition of shelving and the book racks, and the dusty look of the electrical appliances all over the space. Apart from that, there were a lot of termites surrounding the areas which made the mini library look disgusting. Students spent almost 3 hours on site gathered findings before any decision made. On top of it, the students need to get the feedback from the community so in future they will benefit the new outlook of the mini library.


In regards to the transformation of the library, there are few requests made by the community itself. It is listed as below:

  1. Provide a temporary plank to cross the drain

  2. Change the lighting

  3. Fix the broken fan and add new wall fan

  4. Provide new flooring

  5. Change the furniture

  6. Paint the interior and exterior wall

  7. Fix the shelving

  8. Provide new reading materials

  9. Provide a shoe rack

  10. Provide new whiteboard

5th April 2019 Briefing Day


97 of students who enrolled in the Community Service Initiative module gathered at E5.04 studio The Module coordinators, Ms. Norji and Mr. Edwin, briefed the detailed task that required to be executed on site as to avoid any confusion and miscommunication in the future.

The module had to be divided into three phases of delivery: 

1. Week 4:         Phase 1- Presentation on the proposal and budgeting

2. Week 10 -12: Phase 2 - Transformation of the mini library 

3. Week 14:       Phase 3 - Submission of the e-Portfolio


Besides that, the DID students team presented the findings gathered on site in the form of drawings and video documentation.


Initially, Ms. Norji has identified several tasks that need to be performed in  a group with an appropriate numbers of team members.  Students were allowed to choose their own best team in order to accomplish the mission.  

The group was assigned accordingly as below: 

Group 1: Sponsorship Team (17 students)

Group 2: Exterior walls and surrounding (20 students)

Group 3: Interior Walls and wall transformation (30 students)

Group 4: Shelves and books arrangement (8 students)

Group 5: Interactive Fun-learning Aids (16 students)

Group 6: Pre and post, pictures, video, food and logistics (5 students)


The students managed to form their own leader and team mate  within an hour. Students were are required to discuss in groups and they were given ample time to propose a solution based on the task assigned for the upcoming meeting which will be conducted in Week 4.

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