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Week 10 – Phase 2 : Transformation – 8th June 2019


Group 3: Interior walls and floor transformation (5 students)

During the Raya break, five students from Group 3 decided to return back to the mini library and treated the flooring. They gathered at Taylor’s University at 8:50am and depart at 9:00am. When the students arrived, they took all their tools and started to clean the floor using Dettol soap. It helps to kill the bacteria on the floor. After the cleaning process, the students started to wipe the water out in order to allow the space to dry faster.


Once the floor dried, they swept the floor using the broom. Next, they covered the holes and all the uneven surfaces by using white clay. While waiting for the clay to be harden, they took a break by having their lunch till 1.00pm. After the break, they started applied the epoxy resin on the surface. The chosen colour was middle grey. Unfortunately, due to the weather conditions that day, the process of letting the epoxy paint dry took longer time. The students were unable to complete the three layers of epoxy on the floor as planned. In order to ensure that the epoxy will last longer, the students did some touch up at the surfaces. The students were happy to see the result of their hard work and left the site around 6.00pm.

Phase 2

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